Source code for wheezy.html.ext.template

""" ``wheezy.template`` extension module.

import re

from wheezy.html.ext.lexer import (

[docs]class WheezyPreprocessor(Preprocessor): def __init__(self): super(WheezyPreprocessor, self).__init__( r"@((?P<expr>.+?)\." r"(?P<widget>%(widgets)s){1}\((?P<params>.*?)\)\s*?" r"(?P<expr_filter>((?<!!)!\w+(!\w+)*|)))(?=\s|$)" ) EXPRESSION = "@%(expr)s%(expr_filter)s" ERROR_CLASS0 = """\\ @if '%(name)s' in errors: class="error"\\ @end """ ERROR_CLASS1 = """\\ @if '%(name)s' in errors: class="error %(class)s"\\ @else: class="%(class)s"\\ @end """ MULTIPLE_HIDDEN = """\\ @for item in %(value)s: <input type="hidden" name="%(name)s" value="@item%(expr_filter)s" />\ @end """ INPUT = """\\ <input id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" type="%(type)s"%(attrs)s%(class)s\\ @if %(value)s%(condition)s: value="@%(func)s%(expr_filter)s" />\\ @else: />\\ @end """ CHECKBOX = """\\ <input id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" type="checkbox" \ value="1"%(attrs)s%(class)s\\ @if %(value)s: checked="checked"\\ @end />""" MULTIPLE_CHECKBOX = """\\ @for key, text in %(choices)s: <label%(attrs)s%(class)s><input id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" type="checkbox" \ value="1"%(attrs)s%(class)s\\ @if key in %(value)s: checked="checked"\\ @end />@text%(expr_filter)s</label>\\ @end """ RADIO = """\\ @for key, text in %(choices)s: <label%(attrs)s%(class)s>\ <input type="radio" name="%(name)s"%(attrs)s \ value="@key%(expr_filter)s"%(class)s\\ @if key == %(value)s: checked="checked"\\ @end />@text%(expr_filter)s</label>\\ @end """ SELECT = """\\ <select id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s"%(attrs)s%(class)s>\\ @for key, text in %(choices)s: <option value="@key%(expr_filter)s"\\ @if key == %(value)s: selected="selected"\\ @end >@text%(expr_filter)s</option>\\ @end </select>""" MULTIPLE_SELECT = """\\ <select id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" multiple="multiple"%(attrs)s%(class)s>\\ @for key, text in %(choices)s: <option value="@key%(expr_filter)s"\\ @if key in %(value)s: selected="selected"\\ @end >@text%(expr_filter)s</option>\\ @end </select>""" ERROR = """\\ @if '%(name)s' in errors: <span%(attrs)s>@errors['%(name)s'][-1]%(expr_filter)s</span>\\ @end """ MESSAGE = """\\ @if %(value)s: <span%(attrs)s>%(info)s</span>\\ @end """
class WidgetExtension(object): preprocessors = [WheezyPreprocessor()] whitespace_preprocessor = WhitespacePreprocessor( rules=[ (re.compile(r"^ [ \t]+", re.MULTILINE), r""), (re.compile(r">\s+<", re.MULTILINE), r"><"), (re.compile(r"(?<![>\\])\n(?=\w)", re.MULTILINE), r" \\\n"), (re.compile(r"\s*(?<!\\)\n", re.MULTILINE), r"\\\n"), ], ignore_rules=[re.compile(r"<(pre|code).*?>.*?</\1>", re.DOTALL)], ) def whitespace_postprocessor(tokens): for i in range(len(tokens)): lineno, token, value = tokens[i] if token == "markup": value = whitespace_preprocessor(value) tokens[i] = (lineno, token, value) class WhitespaceExtension(object): preprocessors = [ WhitespacePreprocessor( rules=[(re.compile(r"\s+$", re.MULTILINE), r"")] ) ] postprocessors = [whitespace_postprocessor] RE_INLINE = re.compile(r'@inline\(("|\')(?P<path>.+?)\1\)', re.MULTILINE)
[docs]class InlineExtension(object): """Inline preprocessor. Rewrite @inline("...") tag with file content. If fallback is ``True`` rewrite to @include("...") tag. >>> t = '1 @inline("master.html") 2' >>> m = >>>'path') 'master.html' >>> t[:m.start()], t[m.end():] ('1 ', ' 2') >>> m =' @inline("shared/footer.html")') >>>'path') 'shared/footer.html' """ def __init__(self, searchpath, fallback=False): strategy = ( fallback and (lambda path: '@include("' + path + '")') or None ) self.preprocessors = [ InlinePreprocessor(RE_INLINE, searchpath, strategy) ]