Source code for wheezy.html.ext.jinja2

""" ``jinja2`` extension module.

import re

from wheezy.html.ext.lexer import (

# from jinja2.ext import Extension
Extension = __import__("jinja2.ext", None, None, ["Extension"]).Extension

[docs]class Jinja2Preprocessor(Preprocessor): def __init__(self, variable_start_string=None, variable_end_string=None): pattern = ( r"\{\{((?P<expr>.+?)\." r"(?P<widget>%(widgets)s){1}\((?P<params>.*?)\)\s*" r"(?P<expr_filter>(\|\s*[\w,\s]+?|\s*)))\}\}" ) if variable_start_string: pattern = pattern.replace( "\{\{", re.escape(variable_start_string) # noqa: W605 ) if variable_end_string: pattern = pattern.replace( "\}\}", re.escape(variable_end_string) # noqa: W605 ) super(Jinja2Preprocessor, self).__init__(pattern) attrs = [ "EXPRESSION", "ERROR", "SELECT", "INPUT", "CHECKBOX", "MULTIPLE_CHECKBOX", "MULTIPLE_HIDDEN", "RADIO", "MULTIPLE_SELECT", ] c = self.__class__.__dict__ for attr in attrs: t = c[attr] t = t.replace("{{", variable_start_string) t = t.replace("}}", variable_end_string) self.__dict__[attr] = t EXPRESSION = "{{ %(expr)s%(expr_filter)s }}" ERROR_CLASS0 = """\ {%% if '%(name)s' in errors: %%}\ class="error"\ {%% endif %%}""" ERROR_CLASS1 = """\ {%% if '%(name)s' in errors: %%}\ class="error %(class)s"\ {%% else: %%}\ class="%(class)s"\ {%% endif %%}""" MULTIPLE_HIDDEN = """\ {%% for item in %(value)s: %%}\ <input type="hidden" name="%(name)s" value="{{ item%(expr_filter)s }}" />\ {%% endfor %%}""" INPUT = """\ <input id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" type="%(type)s"%(attrs)s%(class)s\ {%% if %(value)s%(condition)s: %%}\ value="{{ %(func)s%(expr_filter)s }}" />\ {%% else: %%}\ />\ {%% endif %%}""" CHECKBOX = """\ <input id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" type="checkbox" \ value="1"%(attrs)s%(class)s\ {%% if %(value)s: %%}\ checked="checked"\ {%% endif %%}\ />""" MULTIPLE_CHECKBOX = """\ {%% for key, text in %(choices)s: %%}\ <label%(attrs)s%(class)s><input id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" type="checkbox" \ value="1"%(attrs)s%(class)s\ {%% if key in %(value)s: %%}\ checked="checked"\ {%% endif %%}\ />{{ text%(expr_filter)s }}</label>\ {%% endfor %%}""" RADIO = """\ {%% for key, text in %(choices)s: %%}\ <label%(attrs)s%(class)s>\ <input type="radio" name="%(name)s"%(attrs)s \ value="{{ key%(expr_filter)s }}"%(class)s\ {%% if key == %(value)s: %%}\ checked="checked"\ {%% endif %%}\ />{{ text%(expr_filter)s }}</label>\ {%% endfor %%}""" SELECT = """\ <select id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s"%(attrs)s%(class)s>\ {%% for key, text in %(choices)s: %%}\ <option value="{{ key%(expr_filter)s }}"\ {%% if key == %(value)s: %%}\ selected="selected"\ {%% endif %%}\ >{{ text%(expr_filter)s }}</option>\ {%% endfor %%}\ </select>""" MULTIPLE_SELECT = """\ <select id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" multiple="multiple"%(attrs)s%(class)s>\ {%% for key, text in %(choices)s: %%}\ <option value="{{ key%(expr_filter)s }}"\ {%% if key in %(value)s: %%}\ selected="selected"\ {%% endif %%}\ >{{ text%(expr_filter)s }}</option>\ {%% endfor %%}\ </select>""" ERROR = """\ {%% if '%(name)s' in errors: %%}\ <span%(attrs)s>{{ errors['%(name)s'][-1]%(expr_filter)s }}</span>\ {%% endif %%}""" MESSAGE = """\ {%% if %(value)s: %%}\ <span%(attrs)s>%(info)s</span>\ {%% endif %%}"""
[docs]class WidgetExtension(Extension): def __init__(self, environment): super(WidgetExtension, self).__init__(environment) self.preprocessor = Jinja2Preprocessor( variable_start_string=environment.variable_start_string, variable_end_string=environment.variable_end_string, )
[docs] def preprocess(self, source, name, filename=None): return self.preprocessor(source)
[docs]class WhitespaceExtension(Extension): def __init__(self, environment): super(WhitespaceExtension, self).__init__(environment) block_start_string = environment.block_start_string block_end_string = environment.block_end_string self.preprocessor = WhitespacePreprocessor( rules=[ (re.compile(r"^ \s+|\s+$", re.MULTILINE), r""), (re.compile(r">\s+<"), r"><"), ( re.compile( r">\s+\{%".replace( # noqa: W605 "\{%", re.escape(block_start_string) # noqa: W605 ) ), r">{%".replace("{%", block_start_string), ), ( re.compile( r"%\}\s+<".replace( # noqa: W605 "%\}", re.escape(block_end_string) # noqa: W605 ) ), r"%}<".replace("%}", block_end_string), ), ] )
[docs] def preprocess(self, source, name, filename=None): return self.preprocessor(source)
RE_INLINE = re.compile( r'{%\s*inline\s+("|\')(?P<path>.+?)\1\s*%}', re.MULTILINE )
[docs]class InlineExtension(Extension): """Inline preprocessor. Rewrite {% inline "..." %} tag with file content. If fallback is ``True`` rewrite to {% include "..." %} tag. >>> t = '1 {% inline "master.html" %} 2' >>> m = >>>'path') 'master.html' >>> t[:m.start()], t[m.end():] ('1 ', ' 2') >>> m =' {% inline "shared/footer.html" %}') >>>'path') 'shared/footer.html' """ def __init__(self, searchpath, fallback=False): strategy = ( fallback and (lambda path: '{% include "' + path + '" %}') or None ) self.preprocessor = InlinePreprocessor(RE_INLINE, searchpath, strategy) def __call__(self, environment): # pragma: nocover super(InlineExtension, self).__init__(environment) return self
[docs] def preprocess(self, source, name, filename=None): return self.preprocessor(source)